Self-tracking of subjective experience made simple


Jakob Eg Larsen, PhD

Jakob is a researcher in human-computer interaction and an associate professor at Technical University of Denmark where he is heading the mobile informatics and personal data lab. His research particularly focuses on the Quantified Self phenomenon. He has been developing research systems and instrumentation for self-tracking as well as user interfaces for personal data visualization and is teaching a master's level course in personal data interaction. Jakob has presented his research and self-tracking at several Quantified Self conferences.

Thomas Blomseth Christiansen, MSc

Thomas is a technologist and entrepreneur with a special interest in personal health data that we may create by making conscious observations of our subjective experience and daily living. He has been building technology for this kind of active self-tracking since 2009. Thomas has been self-tracking extensively himself and has among other things fixed his pollen allergy. He is likely best known for a unique data set of all his sneezes during five years as featured in Quantified Self talks and by global, online media.


Copenhagen, Denmark